Middle Class in Maryland (and America)
Being middle class in Maryland is tough. Well, let me rephrase that. Being middle class in America is tough. Once upon a time, middle class meant you made it. You had a good, secure job, an affordable...
View ArticleSteele Loves PUPPIES!!!!
Michael Steele doesn't hate puppies. Â Fantastic! I'm so glad. Despite the fact that I am a cat person, I'm really glad that Steele doesn't hate puppies. That's important, right? Because puppies are...
View ArticleI am a Values Voter
This past weekend the Family Research Council had their 2006 "Value Voters" summit in Washington DC. It attracted some high profile neocons such as Sen. Rick Santorum and  Focus on the Family's James...
View ArticleWhy Stem Cell research is still Important
I heard about The Mark Foley Scandal three days before it broke. I was going to break it on here, but I couldn't. I had to rush to Little Rock, Ak to be by my father's side. He's battling cancer, a...
View ArticleBusting the GOP Spin machine
I'll admit it, I've always wanted to be the Democrat version of Karl "Satan" Rove. Â However, instead of controlling the message and the media, I'd make my job debunking the spin on what democrats were...
View ArticleA reminder of our duty as citizens
I hate it when I forget my Mp3 player when I'm in the car. Â My CD player is busted and sometimes NPR will be casting something I find less then interesting. When I forget my Mp3 Player, i'm stuck with...
View ArticleFox News Spin Hits Home (a personal encounter with irresponsible journalism)
I've always known that Fox News was irresponsible and sensationalist in their news reporting. While I was always critical of their "news" pieces, It never truly hit home until I became a involuntary...
View ArticleBeating Rove at his own game
Pioneer111 brough up some great points about the use of Rovian smear tactics. His anaylsis of GOP spin is a wonderful example of the discussion we should all be engaging in. I would like to take the...
View ArticleWow, I can't believe I had forgotten this....
Back in 2003 I was an employee of the now defunct Worldcom. (yes...THAT Worldcom!) I worked in their legal department as a paralegal assisting where ever I was needed.One of the only profitable...
View ArticleHappy Birthday, Dad!
Dad would have been 57 years old on Monday, April 30, 2007. Except he passed away on October 30, 2006 from complications due to Multiple Myeloma, a blood cancer. I was saddend to hear that Kossack...
View ArticleEnriched Uranium seen on Baltimore Beltway
I often visit a local Baltimore blog called "Assclownopolis" Â for several reasons. tfg, the author of the blog, is a pretty astute blogger with a snarky edge on politics/world events and humor. I enjoy...
View ArticleNow It's Personal
It seems the assholeosphere has been leading the attack on the young boy who delivered the Democratic radio address concerning SCHIP and it's benefits to a family struggling to make ends meet. The...
View ArticleThere isn't any inflation here, Please move along.
When I ordered our Turkey for Thanksgiving, the guy who runs the stand said, "27lbs, that's a big turkey. You do realize that turkeys will be costing nearly $2.25 a lb this year." I responded that I...
View ArticleAn Obama Supporter to a Clinton Supporter:
The contest is over and now we need to start presenting a untied front against the GOP machine that is prepared to do anything and everything to smear Senator Barack Obama. Right now, we, as Democrats...
View ArticleThis is what I have to do.....
I've been largely absent from any political discussion for nearly a year, possibly longer. After 8 years of working in Washington DC at various places, some high profile, I was laid off in January...
View ArticleWhat I have learned from being unemployed.....
I've been unemployed for nearly a year and seven months, My husband was unemployed for seven months. I said was...yes, that is correct--he was gainfully employed as of YESTERDAY. He had lost his UI...
View ArticleTax The Rich? You're DAMN RIGHT!
I've been jobless for about a year and a half now. For seven long, agonizing months, my husband was, too. Luckily, he managed to land a decent job with a slight income increase. We're not great by any...
View ArticleIn the Last Throes....
On January 5, 2011 it will exactly 2 years I've been without steady employment. I have taken a few odd jobs people have offered me everywhere from Bartending to Photography to helping a friend maintain...
View ArticleThe Waiting Game
Today, I wait.As previously noted, I have been unemployed for going on 2 years. this past week I landed an interview. I've sent out thousands of resumes. In two years, I have had a grand total of four...
View ArticleUnemployed to Underemployed: Better or Worse?
If anyone has read any of my previous entries, I was a part of the long term unemployed. Luckily, I landed a job at the beginning of this year. Finally! Gainful employment! JOY! Truth is, I was...
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